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WBBHSC Class 12 Modern Computer Application Higher Secondary Examination 2020

WBBHSC Class 12 Modern Computer Application Higher Secondary Examination 2020

WBBHSC Class 12 Modern Computer Application Higher Secondary Examination 2019

Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes

(First 15 Minutes for reading the question paper only, 3 Hours for writing) 

Full Marks – 70

PART – B [Mark-35]

1. Select the correct answer from the alternatives: [1 × 21 = 21]

(i) How many input combinations will be there to design a truth table of 4- input OR gate?

  1. 16
  2. 8
  3. 24
  4. 32

(ii) How many bits are there in an output of an Octal to Binary Encoder circuit?

  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 3
  4. 15

(iii) How many links are required to connect numbers of computers in a Mesh topology?

  1. n
  2. n(n- 1) / 2
  3. (n – 1)
  4. n(n— 1)

(iv) The first three bits of Network ID in a class C type IP address is

  1. 011
  2. 001
  3. 110
  4. 111

(v) Which of the following tag is used to draw a horizontal line?

  1. <HL>
  2. <HR>
  3. <LI>
  4. <HI>

(vi) Which symbol is used to denote ‘Attribute’ in E-R diagram?

  1. â–¡
  2. â—Š
  3. ⬭
  4. ⬯

(vii) Which of the following is a database constraint?

  1. Primary key
  2. Foreign key
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. None of these

(viii) Which of the following cannot be used to identify a tuple uniquely a relation?

  1. Super key
  2. Primary key
  3. Candidate key
  4. Foreign key

(ix) A valid cell address is MS-Excel is

  1. 8B
  2. B8
  3. 8B8
  4. none of these

(x) Which of the following is used to represent data of a table in MS-Access? (a) Form (b) Report (c) Data view Sheet (d) Design View, (xi) In which of the following tab of MS-Access 2007, ‘Relationship’ option is there?

Home (b) Datasheet (c) Create (d) Database tools, (xii) Which of the following function is used to convert fraction into an integer in MS-Excel? (a) Count () (b) Average () (c) Now () (d) Round (). (xiii) Which of the following is notan operation of relational algebra? (a) Selection (b) Production (c) Set difference (d) Union, (xiv) Record is also known as (a) Tuple (b) Degree (c) Attribute (d) Cardinality, (xv) The function of Data Dictionary is (a) to store meta data (b) to reduce the anomalies (c) to convert data into another language (d) all of these, (xvi) To link two webpages in HTML, the tag is used (a)<LINK> (b) <A> (c) <HLINK> (d) <H>. (xvii) The tag which is used to make subscript in HTML is (a) <SUP> (b) <SUB> (c) <SUBC> (d) <SUBCPT>. (xviii) The difference between highest frequency and lowest frequency of data transmission medium is known as (a) Wavelength (b) Bandwidth (c) Signal (d) Amplitude, (xix) Which of the following combinational circuit is used in ALU? (a) Adder (b) Multiplexer (c) Demultiplexer (d) Encoder, (xx) In which of the following logic gate the output will be ‘1’ when both inputs are same? (a) NOR (b) NAND (c) XNOR (d) OR. fxxi) Which of the following is a universal logic gate? (a) AND (b) XOR (c) NOR (d) NOT.

Answer the following questions in short (Alternatives are to be noted):

1 x 14 = 14

What is the function of Demultiplexer?

Write one difference between Baseband and Broadband Network.

Write two advantages of social networking.

On What is the significance of using Password?

What is the difference between Container tag and Empty tag?

What do you mean by database instance?

Or; State a feature of Network Data Model.

Define nornialization.

On What do you mean by degree of a relation?

Implement an AND gate using NOR gate.

(viii) Write the truth table of Half subtractor circuit.

Oi; Write the truth table of 4 x 1 MUX.

Write down the full form of UDP.

Or; Write down the full form of MODEM.

What is Search Engine?

Oi; Write the names of any two web browser.

Write the syntax of If () function in MS-Excel.

Mention the default format of date in MS-Access.

Or, What do you mean by Query in MS-Access?

(xiii) What is the function of <BR> tag in HTML?

Or, What is the function of ‘VALIGN’ attribute in HTML?

(xiv) Write two attribute names of <BODY> tag in HTML.

Oi; Write the syntax to make the width of table border as ‘5’.

PART – A [Marks : 35]

Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted) : 7 x 5 = 35

(a) Why Multiplexer is known as ‘Data Selector’?

Write the difference between Encoder and Decoder.

Construct a Full adder by using two Half adder. 2 + 2 + 3

Or; (a) Write the truth table of 3 to 8 decoder and also draw the logic diagram of it.

Write the truth table of Decimal to Binary Encoder.

What do you mean by Full Adder. (2 + 2) + 2 + 1

(a) How many types of heading tag are there in HTML and what are those? Which

tag is used to give the largest size of heading?

Write the syntax to insert a picture in HTML and also give an example.

Write the names of two attributes of <FONT> tag in HTML. (2 + 1) + 2 + 2 Oi; Using HTML code create a webpage where the following features will be


Give the title of the webpage as ‘Project work in Excel’.

Give a heading into the webpage as ‘Suggestive Project Topics’.

Make the following list into the webpage :

® Application of Excel

Creation of Marksheets & Balance Sheet

© Bar chart & Pie chart.

Consider the following table : Table : Customer

ClA. ChatterjeeChennai51
C2S. KonerMumbai49
C3A. MitraDelhi55
C4B. RoyBangalore50


Write the SQL query to do the following tasks :

Show the city of all customers whose Age is below 51.

Find out the names of those customers who resides in either Delhi or Mumbai city.

Arrange the records of all customers according to their Age in decending order. 2 + 2 + 3

Or; (a) Explain the ‘Set difference’ operation of relational algebra with example.

Write the function and syntax of ‘Distinct’ and ‘Drop’ command.

Give any two examples of DDL. 3 + + lyj + 1

(a) Explain the Relative cell referencing and Absolute cell referencing in MS-Excel. (๖) Write the formula to add the cell values from BIO to B20 in MS-Excel.

Write the steps to insert a column and hiding a row’ in MS-Excel.


Or, (a) Write the functions of MAX(),CONCATENATE () And MOD () in MS- Excel.

(b) How to delete a worksheet in MS-Excel? (2×3)+ 1

T.P.-XII (Eng)—26 (c)


(a) Write the procedure to update the data of a table in MS-Access.

State two differences between Data sheet view and Design view in MS-Access.

What is the advantage of query over data records in MS-Access? 3 + 2 + 2 Or, (a) Write the steps to create relationship between two tables in MS-Access.

(b) Write the procedure to delete the data of a table in MS-Access. 4 + 3

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