I am in receipt of your letter. I congratulate you for taking a bold decision that you would marry only a person who does not want any dowry. I note with satisfaction that you gave a great shock to your prospective in-laws, who demanded a fat dowry for your marriage with their engineer son, by totally refusing the proposal. Such a shock treatment is necessary for this chronic disease called dowry.
It is common knowledge that dowry-hungry parents always ill-treat their daughters-in-law and harass them persistently for bringing more dowry. Lite becomes a hell for such poor brides, for they get neither love, nor care, nor any respect at their in-laws. They are constantly abused, tortured and subjected to bestial cruelties. In a few cases these cruelties assume homicidal proportions. Cases of bride burning are increasing everyday and dowry is invariably responsible for them. For some people marriage is nothing more than a trade in which the highest bidder condemns his daughter to a perpetual hell.
You have shown prudence and courage by refusing to accept such a life (partner). If other girls also follow your example this evil practice will soon vanish root and branch from our society.
Convey my regards to your parents.
With best wishes.
Your sincere friend,