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Madhyamik Class 10 Geography Question Paper 2014

Madhyamik Geography Paper 2014 English Version (Unsolved) Flash Education

Madhyamik Class 10 Geography Question Paper 2014


Time – Three Hours Fifteen Minutes

(First fifteen minutes for reading the question paper only)

Full Marks – 90

(For Regular and Sightless Regular Candidates)

Full Marks – 100

(For External and sightless External Candidates)

[Groups ‘A’ to ‘F’ are common for both Regular and External Candidates and Group ‘G’ is meant only for External Candidates]

(Question numbers 1, 2 and 3 are compulsory. Sightless candidates will answer the alternative questions as per directive. Others will attempt map pointing.)

Special credits will be given for answers which are brief and to the point.

Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting

Figures in the margin indicate full marks for each question.

Group – A

1. Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the given outline map of India. Attach the map with your answer paper: [1×5=5]

a.1. Garo hills

a.2. River Krishna

a.3. One region of evergreen forest

a.4. A Wheat growing region of north India

a.5. One Petro-chemical industrial centre of West Bengal

1. Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the given outline map of Asia. Attach the map with your answer paper :  [1×5=5]

b.1. Kunlun mountain

b.2. Caspian sea

b.3. Irrawaddy river

b.4. One Hot Desert climatic region

b.5. Taiga

Group – B

2. Identify the correct answer : [1×5=5]

a.1. The Tibetan plateau is an example of a lava/ intermontane/ dissected plateau.

a.2. Carbonation/oxidation/hydration IS commonly observed in limestone regions.

a.3. Yardang is an erosional landform produced by rivers/ wind/glaciers.

a.4. An anemometer measures air pressure/wind direction/wind speed.

a.5. The California current flows in Atlantic/ Indian/Pacific ocean.

2. If the statement is true, write ‘T and if false, write ‘F’ against the following: [1×5=5]

b.1. Satpura is an example of a volcanic mountain of India

b.2. The presence of dust particles is maximum in Troposphere.

b.3. Sargasso Sea is found in the Indian ocean.

b.4. Assam is the largest tea-producing state of India.

b.5. Madurai is the main jute manufacturing centre of India.

3. Write short notes on any five of the following: [2×5=10]

  1. Rift valley
  2. Potholes
  3. Roaring forties
  4. Normal lapse rate of temperature
  5. Tidal bore
  6. Kayal
  7. Kharif Crop
  8. Heavy Engineering industry.

Group – C

(Answer any two questions)

[ Sketches are not essential for Sightless Candidates ]

Question 4.

  1. Explain the origin of three types of plateaus with example.
  2. Describe the processes of biological weathering in brief.
  3. What is flood plain ?


Question 5.

  1. Describe with diagrams the formation of any three erosional landforms produced by glaciers.
  2. Explain the origin of the waterfall.
  3. What is loess?


Question 6.

  1. Explain the major factors responsible for the variation of air pressure on the earth
  2. Why does convectional rainfall occur in the equatorial region?
  3. What is albedo ?


Question 7.

  1. Give an account of the major currents of the Indian Ocean.
  2. Why spring tide is more powerful at the new moon than that of the full moon?
  3. What is the cold wall ?


Group – D

(Answer any two questions)

Question 8.

  1. Describe in brief the relief of Western Coastal plain of India.
  2. Why does rain shadow region develop in the interior part of Deccan plateau?
  3. What isMarusthali?


Question 9.

  1. Discuss the impact of climate on the distribution of evergreen and monsoon deciduous vegetation in India.
  2. Why are the deltas formed at the mouth of the east-flowing rivers of India?
  3. What is the bet?


Question 10.

  1. Discuss the favourable physical conditions for the cultivation of paddy inGanga plain.
  2. Why is tank irrigation commonly practised in south India ?
  3. Name two beverage crops produced in India.


Question 11.

  1. Explain the factors for the extensive development of the cotton textile industry in Maharashtra and Gujarat.
  2. Name three automobile manufacturing centres one each from three states of
  3. Why is the petrochemical industry designated as a ‘modern industrial giant’ ?


Group – E

(Answer any one question)

Question 12.

  1. Describe the mountain ranges of central Asia with the proper sketch.
  2. Mention three characteristic features of the north-flowing rivers of Asia.
  3. Name one old and one young plateau of Asia.


Question 13.

  1. Divide Asia into different natural vegetation zones and mention the salient features of Steppe grassland.
  2. Why do the thermal conditions of South Asia differ from that of North Asia?
  3. Mention one planetary wind and one sudden wind prevailing in Asia.


Group – F

(Answer any one question)

Question 14.

  1. Describe the physiography of the Himalayan region of West Bengal in brief.
  2. Which region of West Bengal experiences maximum rainfall and mention the causes behind such occurrence.
  3. Name one snow-fed and one tide-fed river of West Bengal.


Question 15.

  1. Analyse the factors responsible for the economic development of the Lake region of the U.S.A.
  2. Mention the names of different types of climate that prevail in the Nile basin.
  3. Why is the Nile River perennial?


Group – G

[ Only for External Candidates ]

16. Answer any five questions : [2×5=10]

  1. What is regolith?
  2. Define snowline.
  3. What is isotherm?
  4. Mention one warm and one cold current of the Atlantic Ocean.
  5. Name the highest peaks of the Eastern Ghat and Anaimalai mountain ranges.
  6. What is Gandhi?
  7. Name two fibre crops of India.
  8. Name two iron and steel plants one each from West Bengal and Jharkhand.

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