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Madhyamik Class 10 Geography Question Paper 2015

Madhyamik Geography Paper 2015 English Version (Unsolved) Flash Education



Time – Three Hours Fifteen Minutes

(First fifteen minutes for reading the question paper only)

Full Marks – 90

(For Regular and Sightless Regular Candidates)

Full Marks – 100

(For External and sightless External Candidates)

[Groups ‘A’ to ‘F’ are common for both Regular and External Candidates and Group ‘G’ is meant only for External Candidates]

(Question numbers 1, 2 and 3 are compulsory. Sightless candidates will answer the alternative questions as per the directive. Others will attempt map pointing.)

Special credits will be given for answers which are brief and to the point.

Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting

Figures in the margin indicate full marks for each question.

Group – A

1. Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the given outline map of India. Attach the map with your answer paper : [1×5=5]

a.1. Aravalli mountain,

a.2. Mahanadi,

a.3. One region of lateritic soil in India,

a.4. One coffee-growing region of the Deccan plateau,

a.5. One locomotive manufacturing centre in India.

1. Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the given outline map of Asia. Attach the map with your answer paper :  [1×5=5]

b.1. Kamchatka peninsula,

b.2. Aral sea,

b.3. River Lena,

b.4. Tundra climatic region,

b.5. Natural vegetation of Tropical Monsoon region.

Group – B

2. Identify the correct answer: [1×5=5]

a.1. An example of a rift valley is Indus Valley/ Godavari Valley/ Narmada Valley.

a.2. Block disintegration/Exfoliation/Frost shattering is seen over the higher altitudinal regions of the Himalayas.

a.3. Kettle/Roches Moutonnees/Esker is a landform carved out by a glacier.

a.4. Under normal conditions the ideal air pressure over sea level is approximately 1003 mb/ 1013 mb/ 1030 mb.

a.5. Tidal bore occurs during Spring tide/Neap tide/Secondary tide.

2. If the statement is true, write ‘T and if false, write ‘F’ against the following: [1×5=5]

b.1. With increasing air temperature relative humidity increases.

b.2. Numerous Oxbow lakes are found in the Gangetic delta region.

b.3. Secondary tide occurs due to solar attraction.

b.4. The highest peak of Himalayas in India is Godwin Austin.

b.5. Rourkela is known as the ‘Ruhr of India’.

3. Write short notes on any five of the following: [2×5=10]

  1. Monadnock,
  2. Block disintegration,
  3. Moraine,
  4. Ferrel’s law,
  5. Secondary tide,
  6. Soil conservation,
  7. Plantation agriculture,
  8. Light engineeringindustry

Group – C

(Answer any two questions)

[ Sketches are not essential for Sightless Candidates ]

Question 4.

  1. Explain with examples the origin of flood plain and deltaic Plain.
  2. Mention three characteristics of block mountain ?
  3. What is regolith ?


Question 5.

  1. Describe with sketches any three landforms carved by river erosion.
  2. How does abrasion occur ?
  3. Why is glacial trough “U”-shaped ?


Question 6.

  1. Explain the effects of altitude and distance from the sea on air temperature variation of any place.
  2. Mention the location of the Stratosphere in the atmosphere and state its
  3. What is a pressure cell ?


Question 7.

  1. Describe the major currents of the South Atlantic Ocean.
  2. Why the time difference between two primary tides at any place is 24 hr 52 min (approx.)?
  3. What is ‘syzygy’?


Group – D

(Answer any two questions)

Question 8.

  1. Give a brief account of the physiography of Western Himalaya.
  2. State three major relief features of the Meghalaya plateau.
  3. Mention the names of two tributaries of the Brahmaputra River.


Question 9.

  1. State the characteristics of the Indian monsoon climate.
  2. Write briefly about the relationship between soil and the natural vegetation of Sunderban.
  3. Mention two major features of North Indian rivers.


Question 10.

  1. Describe the favourable physical conditions for the cultivation of wheat in
  2. Why is canal irrigation commonly practised in the plain of north India?
  3. Mention any two reasons for the growth of coffee cultivation in South India.


Question 11.

  1. Discuss the five major reasons for the centralisation of the iron and steel industry in eastern India.
  2. Explain briefly about three reasons for the development of the Petrochemical industry in Western India.
  3. State any two cotton textile industrial centres of West Bengal.


Group – E

(Answer any one question)

Question 12.

  1. Give an account of the course of three south flowing rivers of Asia, mentioning their characteristics.
  2. State the location of three intermontane plateaus of Asia.
  3. Why are the hot deserts formed in western Asia?


Question 13.

  1. Explain briefly the reasons for climatic diversities in Asia.
  2. Mention the adaptations acquired by the natural vegetation of the Mediterranean climatic region.
  3. What is ‘Taiga’ ?


Group – F

(Answer any one question)

Question 14.

  1. Describe briefly about physiography and rivers of plateau region of West Bengal.
  2. State any three features of summer season in West Bengal.
  3. What is ‘Barendrabhumi’ ?


Question 15.

  1. Describe with sketches the course of the river Nile.
  2. Describe the importance of the St. Lawrence River in the industrial development ofLake region.
  3. Name the lakes between which the Niagara Waterfall is located.


Group – G

[ Only for External Candidates ]

16. Answer any five questions : [2×5=10]

  1. What is a plateau?
  2. What is the main difference between meteorology and decay?
  3. What is an earthen basket called?
  4. Mention two tidal results.
  5. Write the names of two tributaries on the right bank of the Ganges.
  6. Write the names of the two states where the western storm is seen.
  7. Write the names of two cash crops produced in India.
  8. Mention the names of two engineering industries in East India.

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