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Madhyamik Class 10 Geography Solved Paper 2023

Madhyamik Class 10 Geography Solved Paper 2023

Madhyamik Class 10 Geography Solved Paper 2023


Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes 

(First 15 Minutes for reading the question paper only, 3 Hours for writing) 

Full Marks: For Regular Candidates – 90

For External Candidates – 100

[Groups ‘A’ to ‘F’ are common for both Regular and External Candidates and Group ‘G’ is meant only for External Candidates]
(All questions of Group ‘A’ are compulsory. Candidates should follow the alternatives in other groups. Sightless candidates will answer the alternative questions as per directive in Group ‘F’.  Others will attempt map pointing.)

Group – A

1. Write the correct answer from the given alternatives: [1×14=14]

1.1. The process by which all unevenness of the earth surface are removed and bringing them to almost level or even surface is called :

  1. Denudation
  2. Aggradation
  3. Gradation
  4. Degradation


c. Gradation

1.2. The process by which sands from the desert surface are lifted and swept away by the wind is :

  1. Deflation
  2. Abrasion
  3. Attrition
  4. Saltation


a. Deflation

1.3. The mean air pressure, at sea level is :

  1. 1012.2 mb
  2. 1013.2 mb
  3. 1014.2 mb
  4. 1015.2 mb


b. 1013.2 mb

1.4. Equatorial climatic region receives rainfall :

  1. During summer
  2. During spring
  3. During winter
  4. All the year round


d. All the year round

1.5. The effect of EL-Nino is observed in:

  1. Atlantic Ocean
  2. Indian Ocean
  3. Pacific Ocean
  4. Arctic Ocean


b. Indian ocean / c. Pacific ocean

1.6. The time difference between primary and secondary high tide at a place is :

  1. 12 hours
  2. 12 hours 26 minutes
  3. 24 hours
  4. 24 hours 52 minutes


b. 12 hours 26 minutes

1.7. The poisonous waste from the following is :

  1. Mercury
  2. Agricultural wastes
  3. Cellulose
  4. Kitchen wastes


a. Mercury

1.8. At present, the total number of States in India is :

  1. 30
  2. 29
  3. 28
  4. 27


c. 28

1.9. The highest plateau of India is :

  1. Malwa plateau
  2. Telangana plateau
  3. Meghalaya plateau
  4. Ladakh plateau


d. Ladakh plateau

1.10. The confluence of river Ganga and river Yamuna is located at :

  1. Kanpur
  2. Allahabad
  3. Devaprayag
  4. Varanasi


b. Allahabad

1.11. Rainfall occurs from western disturbances in the region of :

  1. Jammu & Kashmir
  2. Tamil Nadu
  3. Kerala
  4. Meghalaya


a. Jammu & Kashmir

1.12. In India, the state that ranks first in coffee production is :

  1. Kerala
  2. Tamil Nadu
  3. Karnataka
  4. Andhra Pradesh


c. Karnataka

1.13. The largest steel plant of India under private sector is:

  1. Durgapur steel plant
  2. Bhilai steel plant
  3. Salem steel plant
  4. Tata Iron and Steel plant


d. Tata Iron and Steel plant

1.14 . R.F. of the topographical map having number 74\frac{M}{7}  is:

  1. 1: 10,000
  2. 1: 50,000
  3. 1: 25,000
  4. 1: 1,00,000


b. 1: 50,000


2.1. If the statement is true, write T and if false, write ‘F’ against the following (answer any six) : [1×6=6]

  1. The altitude of the snowline in the polar region is zero meters.
  2. Ozone hole is observed in the Antarctica region.
  3. “Chinook’ is a warm wind blowing through France.
  4. Syzygy occurs when the moon lies at a right angle to the sun in respect of the earth.
  5. Purification of polluted air is done by the scrubber.
  6.  In India, the state of Kerala leads in rain-water harvesting.
  7. Use of a Computer is essential to explain satellite imagery.


1. True

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. True

6. False

7. True

2.2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words (answer any six):- [1×6=6]

  1. Funnel-shaped wide river mouth is called ____.
  2. The sandy desert in Sahara is known as ____.
  3. The velocity of wind is measured by ____.
  4. ____ current flows along the surface of the ocean.
  5. In Malabar coastal plain, the lagoons are locally called ____.
  6. Jowar, Bajra, Ragi are collectively called ____.
  7. Indian Space Research Organization is located at ____.


1. Estuary

2. Erg

3. Animometer

4. Warm / Surface

5. Kayal

6. Millets

7. Bengaluru / Ahmedabad

2.3 Answer in one or two words (answer any six):- [1×6=6]

  1. Name the dry river valleys found in the desert.
  2. Mention the value of relative humidity of saturated air.
  3. Write the name of a famous oceanic submerged bank of the world.
  4. Give an example of bio-degradable waste.
  5. What is the new alluvial soil of Ganga plain called ?
  6. Which state of India ranks first in tea production?
  7. According to 2011 census, what is the literacy rate of India?
  8. Which organization of India publishes topographical maps ?


1. Wadi

2. 100%

3. Grand Bank

4. Vegetable waste / Agricultural waste

5. Khadar

6. Assam

7. 74.04%

8. Survey of India

2.4 Match the Left Column with the Right Column:- [1×4=4]

Left Column Right Column
1. Kalbaishakhi A. Bengaluru
2. Aravalli B. Lucknow
3. Silicon Valley C. West Bengal
4. Sugarcane Research Institute D. Rajasthan

Group – C


1 – C

2 – D

3 – A

4 – B

3. Answer the following in brief : [2×6=12]

3.1. Define water divide.




What is “Inselberg”?



3.2. What do you mean by “Absolute Humidity”?




Give the definition of “Cold Wall”



3.3. Define recycling of waste.




What do you mean by composting?



3.4. What is Marusthali ?




State two benefits of social forestry.



3.5. Mention two benefits of agricultural development that have occurred in the Punjab-Haryana regions.




Define Heavy Engineering Industry.



3.6. Give the definition of “satellite imagery”




What do you mean by “Million Sheet” ?



Group – D

4. Give brief explanatory answer (Alternatives should be noted) : [3×4=12]

4.1.Differentiate between longitudinal dunes and transverse dunes.




Write a comparative discussion on Spring tide and Neap tide.



4.2. State the necessities of waste management.




How is the water of River Bhagirathi-Hugli getting polluted by different types of waste?



4.3. Describe three methods of forest conservation practised in India.




Compare the importance of rail and road transport.



4.4. State the importance of remote sensing.




Mention three main uses of topographical maps.



Group – E
[Sketches are not essential for Sightless Candidates]

5.1. Answer any two questions from the following : [5×2=10]

  1. Describe with sketches three landform features produced by river erosion.
  2. Explain three major factors causing temperature variation in the atmosphere.
  3. Give an account of Orographic Rainfall with a diagram and example.
  4. State the factors controlling the origin of the ocean currents.



5.2 Answer any two questions from the following: [5×2=10]

  1. State the physical differences between north and south Indian rivers.
  2. Give an account of favourable physical conditions required for the cultivation of cotton.
  3. Explain the reasons for the concentration of the petrochemical industry in Western India.
  4. Discuss five major factors responsible for the uneven distribution of population in India.



Group – F

6. Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the given outline map of India. Attach the map with your answer script: [1×10=10]

  1. Nilgiri mountain
  2. River Tapti
  3. Logtak lake
  4. A rain shadow region
  5. A region of desert soil
  6. A wheat-growing region of north India
  7. “Manchester of India”
  8. An iron and steel industrial centre of West Bengal
  9. An International Airport in South India
  10. Mumbai.


[For Sightless Candidates Only]

Answer any ten of the following questions

  1. Name the southern most point of India.
  2. Mention the name of a mountain pass of Eastern Himalaya.
  3. Name a rift valley of India.
  4. Name the longest river of north India.
  5. Which is the largest lagoon of India?
  6. Which soil of India covers maximum area?
  7. What type of natural vegetation is found in Sunderban?
  8. Name the state of India which ranks first in rice production.
  9. What is the name of the main rabi crop of India?
  10. Name an iron and steel plant of eastern India.
  11. In which state of India, population density is maximum?
  12. Name a metropolitan city located on “Golden Quadrilateral”
  13. Mention the name of a historical city of India.
  14. Where is the tax-free port of India located ?



Group – G
[For External Candidates Only]

7. 7.1. Answer any three questions: [2×3=6]

  1. Define bajada.
  2. What do you mean by “Roaring Forties”?
  3. What is a tidal bore?
  4. What do you mean by agricultural waste?



7.2. Answer any four questions: [1×4=4]

  1. What is the main basis of State Re-organization in India?
  2. Where is ‘Dhrian° found in India?
  3. In a topographical map, which colour is used to show the perennial river?
  4. In which city of India, metro rail first started its operation?
  5. Which climatic region of the world experiences rainfall only in winter?



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