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Madhyamik Class 10 Geography Question Paper 2016

Madhyamik Geography Paper 2016 English Version (Unsolved) Flash Education

Madhyamik Class 10 Geography Question Paper 2016


Time – Three Hours Fifteen Minutes

(First fifteen minutes for reading the question paper only)

Full Marks – 90

(For Regular and Sightless Regular Candidates)

Full Marks – 100

(For External and sightless External Candidates)

[Groups ‘A’ to ‘F’ are common for both Regular and External Candidates and Group ‘G’ is meant only for External Candidates]

(Question numbers 1, 2 and 3 are compulsory. Sightless candidates will answer the alternative questions as per directive. Others will attempt map pointing.)

Special credits will be given for answers which are brief and to the point.

Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting

Figures in the margin indicate full marks for each question.

Group – A

1. Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the given outline map of India. Attach the map with your answer paper: [1×5=5]

a.1. Karakoram range,

a.2. River Kaveri,

a.3. The place with highest rainfall in India,

a.4. The main cotton growing region of India,

a.5. One ironand steel industrial center of Eastern India.

1. Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the given outline map of Asia. Attach the map with your answer paper :  [1×5=5]

b.1. Hindukush mountain,

b.2. Caspian sea,

b.3. Indus river,

b.4. Taiga forest,

b.5. Equatorial climatic region.

[For Sightless Candidates Only]

1. Answer any five of the following : [2×5=10]

  1. Mention the names of two mountain peaks of South India.
  2. Name two tributaries of river Brahmaputra.
  3. Which two winds bring rain to the Coromandal coast twice in year ?
  4. Name two automobile industrial centres of India.
  5. Mention the names of two old plateaus of Asia.
  6. Name two islands of Asia located each one in Pacific ocean and Indian ocean.
  7. State the names of the largest and deepest lakes of Asia Respectively.
  8. In which parts of Asia extreme type of climate prevails?

Group – B

2. Identify the correct answer: [1×5=5]

a.1. Deltaic plain is found at the mouth of Narmada/Luni/Mahanadi.

a.2. Frost shattering/Granular disintegration/Carbonation is predominant in the mountains of the Himalayas.

a.3. Pot hole/Fjord/Plunge pool is formed at the foot of waterfalls.

a.4 Hygrometer/Barometer/Anemometer measures relative humidity.

a.5. Brazil current originated from the North Equatorial Current/ South Equatorial current/gulf stream.

2. If the statement is true, write ‘T and if false, write ‘F’ against the following: [1×5=5]

b.1. ‘Canyon’ topography is formed by erosional activities of glaciers.

b.2. In the troposphere, per 1000 m of ascent, temperature decreases by 6.4°C.

b.3. Ladak plateau is an example of a lava plateau.

b.4. Tank irrigation is the most common method of irrigation practised in Gangetic delta region.

b.5. The Central Rice Research Institute of India is located at Cuttack in Odisha.

3. Write short notes on any five of the following:             [2×5=10]

  1. Coastal plain,
  2. Meander,
  3. Land breeze,
  4. Sargasso Sea,
  5. Malnad and Maidan,
  6. “Burst of monsoon”,
  7. Green Revolution,
  8. Alloy Steel Industry

Group – C

(Answer any two questions)

[ Sketches are not essential for Sightless Candidates ]

Question 4.

  1. Explain the origin of fold mountains in the light of “Plate Tectonic Theory”.
  2. Which type of weathering is predominant in the equatorial region and why?
  3. Mention any two characteristics of the dissected plateau.


Question 5.

  1. Describe with sketches any three landforms formed by glacial deposition.
  2. State three differences between Barkhan and Seif.
  3. State any two favourable conditions required for the formation of a delta.


Question 6.

  1. Explain with sketches the relationship between permanent air pressure belts and the planetary wind system in the southern hemisphere.
  2. Mention three differences between cyclone and anticyclone.
  3. What is isotherm ?


Question 7.

  1. Discuss any three factors responsible for the origin of ocean currents.
  2. State the differences between Spring tide and heap tide.
  3. Name one warm and one cold current of the South Pacific


Group – D

(Answer any two questions)

Question 8.

  1. Mention the differences between the rivers of North India and South India on the basis of physical aspects.
  2. State the divisions of Ganga Plain mentioning the proper extensions.
  3. What is ‘Tal’ in Himalaya ?


Question 9.

  1. Give an account of the distribution and characteristics of alluvial soil in India.
  2. State with examples of the variation of natural vegetation in the Himalayas with the increase in altitude.
  3. Mention two effects of Western disturbance in India.


Question 10.

  1. Discuss the favourable physical conditions required for the cultivation of cotton in India.
  2. Classify the crops of India according to cropping seasons and define them with examples.
  3. Why irrigation is required for the cultivation Of monsoon crops India?


Question 11.

  1. Discuss five major reasons responsible for the centralisation of the jute industry on the banks of the Hooghly River.
  2. Mention briefly three problems associated with the cotton textile industry of India.
  3. Name two Iron and Steel industrial centres of India -one under public sector and one under the private sector.


Group – E

(Answer any one question)

Question 12.

  1. Describe with sketches the mountain ranges extending from Pamir and Armenian mountain knots of Asia.
  2. Why the marshy lands are common in the northern plain of Asia?
  3. Name one twin river and the deepest lake in Asia.


Question 13.

  1. Distinguish between the Equatorial rainforest and the Coniferous forest of Asia.
  2. State the names of two hot deserts of Asia and mention the reasons for their formation.
  3. Name two inland rivers of Asia


Group – F

(Answer any one question)

Question 14.

  1. Explain the factors responsible for the climatic variation in West Bengal.
  2. Specify the three characteristic features of the rivers of the Mountain region of West Bengal.
  3. Mention the location of the moribund delta in West Bengal.


Question 15.

  1. Discuss the factors responsible for the agricultural development in the Lake region of the USA.
  2. State briefly about the irrigation system practised in the Nile basin
  3. What is ‘Sudd’?


Group – G

[ Only for External Candidates ]

16. Answer any five questions : [2×5=10]

  1. What is Geosyncline ?
  2. Define exfoliation.
  3. What is the main difference between Gorge and Canyon ?
  4. What is ‘Albedo’?
  5. Name two gaps of Western Ghat.
  6. Mention two influences of the Himalaya on Indian Climate.
  7. State the names of two plantation crops of India.
  8. Name two petrochemical industrial centres-each from eastern and western India.

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