
SAQ : Why has cotton textile or Jute textile industry developed in West Bengal?




Why has cotton textile or Jute textile industry developed in West Bengal?


The causes of the development of the Cotton textile industry in West Bengal are

  1. Nearness to the raw cotton fields Raw Cotton (medium and short-staple) is obtained from the suburbs of Kolkata. For the increasing demand for cotton fabric, farmers in many areas are now growing cotton on the loamy alluvial soil of the Hugli basin.
  2. The humid climate prevailing at the mill, centres is ideal for spinning and weaving.
  3. Electricity is available from the thermal power plants of the CESC, WBSEB and the D.V.C.
  4. Well well-developed network of transport systems in and around Kolkata has helped the development of cotton mills here.
  5. Cheap skilled and unskilled labour is available from West Bengal and adjoining states of Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand etc.
  6. The chemical industry of Haldia supplies chemicals for dyeing.
  7. Water is available from the Hugli River.

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