Lesson 12 – My Diary | Chapter Solution Class 7

My Diary
Book Name : Blossom
Subject : English
Class : 7 (Madhyamik)
Publisher : Prof. Nabanita Chatterjee
Chapter Name : My Diary (12th Chapter)

Activity 1

Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(a) Anne Frank’s birthday was on

  1. 14th the June
  2. 12th June
  3. 20th June


(ii) 12th June

(b) Moortje is Anne’s

  1. pet dog
  2. pet bird
  3. pet cat


(iii) pet cat

(c) During a recess in the school Anne treated everyone with

  1. sweet biscuits
  2. Chocolates
  3. sweets


(i) sweet biscuits

Activity 2

Answer the following questions:

  1. What did Anne do when she could not control her curiosity?
  2. Which present did Anne see first? Why does she refer to it as ‘you’ ?
  3. Who is the author of the book “Tales and Legends of Netherlands” ?
  4. What did Anne want to do with the money that she got as a birthday gift?


  1. When Anne could no longer control her curiosity, she went to the dining room at a quarter to seven.
  2. The first present Anne saw was referred to as ‘you’, and it is implied that it is a person. It is likely that Anne received a doll or a stuffed toy as a birthday gift, which she personifies and refers to as ‘you’.
  3. The author of the book “Tales and Legends of the Netherlands” is Joseph Cohen.
  4. Anne wanted to use the money she received as a birthday gift to buy the book “The Myths of Greece and Rome.”

Activity 3

Arrange the following sentences in the proper sequence:

  1. Anne went to the dining room.
  2. Anne went to school with her friends.
  3. Anne went to the sitting room.
  4. Anne woke up.
  5. Anne went to her mummy and daddy.


The proper sequence of the sentences is as follows:

Anne woke up.

Anne went to her mummy and daddy.

Anne went to the dining room.

Anne went to the sitting room.

Anne went to school with her friends.

Activity 4

Answer the following questions:

  1. When did have her birthday party?
  2. What is “The Light Housekeeper”?
  3. Who had been Anne’s best friend for years?
  4. Where did Anne meet her present best friend?


  1. Anne had her birthday party on Sunday afternoon.
  2. “The Lighthouse Keeper” is a film that Anne and her school friends watched during her birthday party.
  3. Lies Goosens had been Anne’s best friend for years.
  4. Anne met her present best friend, Jopie de Waal, at the Jewish Secondary School.

Activity 5

Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(a) Anne has a sister who is

  1. thirteen years old
  2. sixteen years old
  3. fourteen years old


(ii) sixteen years old

(b) Kitty is Anne’s

  1. friend
  2. sister
  3. diary


(iii) diary

(c) The above text is a

  1. biography
  2. diary
  3. short story


(i) biography

(d) Anne had to say goodbye to

  1. Mrs K
  2. Margot
  3. her parents


(i) Mrs. K

Activity 6

Fill in the following chart with information from the text:

Year What happened
1926 ___
___ The author was born
1933 ___
1938 ___
___ The author’s grandmother died


1926 – Anne’s sister was born

1929 – the author was born

1933 – Author’s family emigrated to Holland.

1938 – Author’s two uncle escaped to the USA

1942 – Author’s grandmother died.

Activity 7

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the saying that came back to Anne on one of her melancholy days?
  2. Why does Anne consider her diary to be a dear friend?
  3. Where was Anne’s father appointed when they emigrated to Holland?
  4. Why was Anne’s life filled with anxiety?


  1. The saying that came back to Anne on one of her melancholy days is “Paper is more patient than man.”
  2. Anne considers her diary to be a dear friend because she feels she has no real friend with whom she can share her thoughts and feelings. She wants her diary, which she names Kitty, to be someone she can confide in and who will listen patiently.
  3. Anne’s father was appointed Managing Director of Travies N.V. when they emigrated to Holland.
  4. Anne’s life was filled with anxiety because her family, except for her immediate family, felt the full impact of Hitler’s anti-Jewish laws. They lived in fear and uncertainty due to the discrimination and persecution they faced as Jews under the Nazi regime.

Activity 8

Identify which of the following statements are True and which are False. Give a supporting statement for each of your answers:

  1. Anne thought that no one will be interested in the unbosomings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl.
  2. In her diary, Anne wanted to bring out all kinds of things that lay buried deep in her heart.
  3. Anne was born lacking everything.
  4. Anne was born in Holland.
  5. Anne was admitted in the fourth form in the Jewish Secondary School.


  1. True; Not for that matter anyone else will be interested in the unbosoming of a thirteen years old school girl.
  2. True; I wanted to write, I want to bring out all kinds of things that are buried deep in my heart.
  3. False; I don’t seem to lack anything
  4. False; In Frankfort on main, I followed on June 12, 1929.
  5. False; She was into the fourth form and I went to text first.

Activity 9(a)

Find the antonyms of the following words from the text. You will find the words in the paragraphs mentioned in the brackets:

  1. familiar: [Para-1]
  2. imaginary: [Para-2]
  3. inside: [Para-3]
  4. hate: [Para-6]
  5. happy: [Para-7]
  6. past: [Para-8]


The antonyms of the following words from the text are:

  1. familiar: unfamiliar (Para-1)
  2. imaginary: real (Para-2)
  3. inside: outside (Para-3)
  4. hate: love (Para-6)
  5. happy: sad (Para-7)
  6. past: present (Para-8)

Activity 9(b)

Make sentences with the words that you have found in Activity 9(a).


  1. The new neighbourhood was unfamiliar to me, and I felt a bit lost without the familiar streets and faces I was used to.
  2. She had an imaginary friend named Lucy, who she believed lived in a magical world of her own creation.
  3. The cat refused to stay inside the house and would always find a way to escape to the outside.
  4. Despite their differences, they chose to love each other instead of harbouring hate in their hearts.
  5. After receiving good news, he felt happy and couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
  6. She reminisced about her past adventures and cherished memories but also looked forward to creating new experiences in the present.

Activity 10

Fill in the gaps with the words given below:

[series, stubborn, control, recess, terrific]

  1. We should try to ____ our anger.
  2. Maradona was a ____ footballer.
  3. Rahul is a ____ boy.
  4. We took our lunch during the ____.
  5. He drew a ____ of pictures.


  1. We should try to control our anger.
  2. Maradona was a terrific footballer.
  3. Rahul is a stubborn boy.
  4. We took our lunch during recess.
  5. He drew a series of pictures.

Activity 11

Make as many words as you can with the prefix “-un”. Make sentences of your own with those words.


Here are some words with the prefix “-un”:

  1. Unhappy: She felt unhappy after receiving the disappointing news.
  2. Unfortunate: It was an unfortunate turn of events that led to their cancellation.
  3. Unravel: The detective worked tirelessly to unravel the mystery and solve the case.
  4. Unforgettable: Their wedding day was truly unforgettable, filled with love and joy.
  5. Uncover: The archaeologists were excited to uncover ancient artefacts buried deep underground.
  6. Unwind: After a long day at work, she liked to unwind by taking a relaxing bath.
  7. Unpredictable: The weather in this region is often unpredictable, changing rapidly throughout the day.
  8. Unleash: The magician waved his wand and unleashed a burst of colourful confetti.
  9. Unseen: The hidden treasure remained unseen until it was discovered by the treasure hunters.
  10. Unfair: The decision was seen as unfair by many, as it favoured one team over the other.

Activity 12 (a)

Put an apostrophe [‘] in appropriate places to make possessives:

  1. Ravis father is a doctor.
  2. Nila wants Riyas pen.
  3. Tendulkar is Indias pride.
  4. Sunils and Rahims bicycles are new.
  5. Rajus brother lives in the boys hostel.


  1. Ravi’s father is a doctor.
  2. Nila wants Riya’s pen.
  3. Tendulkar is India’s pride.
  4. Sunil’s and Rahim’s bicycles are new.
  5. Raju’s brother lives in the boys’ hostel.

Activity 12 (b)

Put an apostrophe [‘] in appropriate places to make contracted verb forms:

  1. I am writing a letter now.
  2. You are a good boy.
  3. She is drawing a picture.
  4. He would have done it.
  5. They have gone to school.


  1. I’m writing a letter now.
  2. You’re a good boy.
  3. She’s drawing a picture.
  4. He would’ve done it.
  5. They’ve gone to school.

Activity 13 (a)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate possessive pronouns given below:

[ours, mine, theirs, yours, hers]

  1. This picture is ____.
  2. I found Seema’s book but I couldn’t find ____.
  3. All the essays were good but ____ was the best.
  4. Your photos are good. ____ are terrible.
  5. Rita and Mohan don’t like your drawing. Do you like ____?


  1. This picture is hers.
  2. I found Seema’s book but I couldn’t find mine.
  3. All the essays were good but yours was the best.
  4. Your photos are good. Ours are terrible.
  5. Rita and Mohan don’t like your drawing. Do you like theirs?

Activity 13 (b)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate possessive adjectives given below:

[their, your, my, our, its]

  1. This is ____ book.
  2. I like ____ new pen.
  3. The dog is licking ____ paw.
  4. We have sold ____ house.
  5. The students thanked ____ teacher.


  1. This is my book.
  2. I like your new pen.
  3. The dog is licking its paw.
  4. We have sold our house.
  5. The students thanked their teacher.

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