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Biography of Chandragupta Vikramaditya | 300 Words


Biography of Chandragupta Vikramaditya complete biography for Class 10, Class 12, and Graduation and other classes.

Full NameChandragupta Vikramaditya
Born380 CE
Died On415 CE
Known forThe second ruler of the dynasty to bear the name “Chandragupta”
ChildrenKumaragupta I, Prabhavatigupta, Govindagupta
Spouse Dhruvadevi, Kuberanaga

Chandragupta II, otherwise known as Chandragupta Vikramaditya, has an important place in Indian history. He was an ideal king a valiant fighter and a capable administrator. The ‘golden age’ of ancient India attained its zenith during his reign. A very courageous man, he once entered the tent of his adversary, and killed him.

He ascended the throne in A.D 375. He married Dhruvswamini and established similar matrimonial alliances with beautiful women of many ruling families to strengthen his position. With the assistance of these rulers, he conquered Malwa, Gujarat, Saurashtra, the whole of northern and central India; together with the kingdoms of Kushanas, Pallavas, Bengal and Panjab. According to an edict, his suzerainty extended over Bactria and Afghanistan. The Iron Pillar at Mehrauli near Delhi gives full information about his victorious campaigns.

His capital was at Ujjain (Avanti). It was the most flourishing centre for education, arts, literature and trade. Many other cities as well as ports flourished. Chandragupta II was a devotee of Lord Vishnu but like most of the rulers of the time was very liberal and tolerant towards other religions. The Jains, Buddhists and followers of other faiths had fund freedom to practise their faith. There was all-round progress, peace and prosperity. Being deeply interested in literature, arts and science, he gave fillip to them. His court was full of eminent scholars, poets and artists. His ‘nine gems’ included poet Kalidas, Amarsingh, Aryabhatt Varahamihira, Dhanvantri, Vasubandhu, Brahmgupta and Vishakhadatt. He ruled till A.D 415.

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