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Biography of Osho – Rajneesh | 300 Words


Biography of Osho – Rajneesh complete biography for Class 10, Class 12, and Graduation and other classes.

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Full NameAcharya Rajneesh
Born11 December 1931, Kuchwada
Died On19 January 1990, Pune
Known for
Spirituality, mysticism, anti-religion

Osho, also known as Bhagwan Rajneesh, was a spiritual teacher and leader from India who gained a significant following in the 1970s and 1980s. He was born in 1931 in Kuchwada, India, and from a young age was interested in spiritual and religious practices. He received a degree in philosophy from the University of Sagar and later taught at several colleges in India.

In the 1970s, Osho began to gain a following for his teachings, which drew from a variety of spiritual and philosophical traditions, including Zen Buddhism, Taoism, and Advaita Vedanta. He encouraged his followers to question traditional religious dogmas and explore their own inner experiences as a means of achieving spiritual growth and self-realization. He also emphasized the importance of meditation, self-inquiry, and other practices that he believed would lead to a more conscious and awakened state of being.

In 1981, Osho moved to the United States and established a commune, or ashram, called Rajneeshpuram in Oregon, where thousands of his followers lived and practiced his teachings. However, the commune attracted controversy and legal issues, including immigration fraud and bioterrorism and in 1985, he was arrested and eventually deported back to India.

Osho’s teachings continue to be widely distributed and discussed, even today. He wrote over 600 books, including commentaries on spiritual texts, discourses on various spiritual practices, and books on personal development and self-help. Some people consider him as a spiritual Guru, others consider him as a controversial figure due to his views on traditional religion, and some of his practices.

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