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Biography of Ras Behari Bose | 250 Words


Biography of Ras Behari Bose complete biography for Class 10, Class 12, and Graduation and other classes.

Full NameRash Behari Bose
Born25 May 1886, Subaldaha
Died On21 January 1945, Tokyo, Japan
Known for
Contrbution to Indian freedom struggle, Indian national army, Ghadar mutiny
Spouse Toshiko Bose

Ras Behari Bose is remembered with reverence as he was one of the great revolutionaries. He was of the opinion that only violence can force the British to leave India. He was a militant. He wanted the British to leave not only India but Asia also.

Ras Behari was involved in 1912 bomb case. He prepared a text called ‘Liberty’ and distributed it among the public. The British could not apprehend him in the Lahore conspiracy case in 1914 in spite of its best efforts. In 1915, Bose left India for Japan and started preparing his war against the British.

Shri Subhash Chandra Bose was inspired by Ras Behari to form the Azad Hind Army when Subhash went to Japan during the Second World War. He edited New Asia, a newsletter and also wrote many books. He also established the ‘Indian League’ and the ‘Indian Independence League’.

Ras Behari was born in a rich family of Bengal. After graduating from Fort Williams College, he started participating in revolutionary activities. He died in Japan in 1945. The Japanese honoured him with “Second Cross Order”.

He will always be remembered in India as a leading revolutionary.

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