Biography of Tantya Tope complete biography for Class 10, Class 12, and Graduation and other classes.
Full Name | Ramachandra Pandurang Tope |
Born | 16 February 1814 |
Died On | 18 April 1859 |
Known for | A leader of the Indian Mutiny of 1857–58 |
Children | Nana Sahib (adopted son) |
The credit for making the first war of Independence a memorable event goes largely to Tantya Tope. A man with a commanding personality, Tantya Tope had courage, agility, the ability to take quick decisions, zeal, foresight and fortitude. He was of immense help to Laxmi Bai and Nana Saheb. He was the Commander-in-Chief of the rebel army of Shivrajpur. The victory of Indian forces at Kanpur was mainly due to his able leadership.
After capturing Kalpi, Tantya turned it into the main fort of the rebels. He not only won many victories but also confused the British general with his guerilla tactics. While the British energy was entirely directed to search and capturing Tantya Tope, he was busy organizing the forces and engaging the British in minor skirmishes and ambushes. His name was then synonymous with bravery and fortitude. Not that it was easy for him. For days together he would be wandering in jungles, facing unimaginable difficulties and hardships but still would hoodwink the enemy. However, he was unaware of a treacherer in his ranks and was deceived into being captured by the British on 7 April ‘1859. During his trial, he admitted boldly to his deeds saying everything he did was for the sake of his country and that he had no regrets. The first war of Independence ended with his death.
Tantya Tope was the only child of Pandurang and his wife Rukmabai. He was born in Yevla (Maharashtra) but brought up in Bithoor where Nana Saheb Peshwa resided. He loved Nana and dedicated his life to him. Tantya’s, real name was Ram Chander Rao. Tantya was involved with the rebellion since the Kanpur revolt and his life remained linked to the war of Independence right from its beginning to his own end on 18 April 1859. Like Garibaldi, he will always be remembered for his revolutionary fervor and patriotism. He was like the blazing sun of the rebellion rising with the first day of the Kanpur revolt and setting when the patriots were crushed one by one.