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LAQ : What is growth? Briefly describe the different phases of human development




The process of physical, physiological, and behavioural changes that result in an increase in the size, complexity, and capability of an organism.

Phases of Human Development:

  1. Infancy: It extends from birth to 10 months of age. At birth, the head is about one-fourth of the whole body. After birth, the arms grow faster than the legs. The infant is a vibrant and seemingly unlimited source of energy.
  2. Childhood: It extends from 10 months to about 13 years of age. The legs attain their proportionate sUe only after 10 years. The growth rate increases gradually.
  3. Adolescence: It extends from 13 years to 18 years of age. There is enhanced activity of growth hormones. The growth rate is high and attains a maximum. Due to the increase in sex hormones secondary sex characters are established in males and females.
  4. Adulthood: It extends from 18 years to 25 years of age. After the age of 18 years, the growth rate gets reduced and stops altogether after the age of 22 – 22 years. Secretion of sex hormones is diminished and the function of STH is almost closed.
  5. Senescence or late adulthood: It extends from 25 years of age onwards. After 25 years of age, many organs show a gradual decline in their functional activities. Many organs may even regress in size. As the organism grows older the power of metabolism gradually declines.

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